Category: News
The Fan Essentials You Need This Fall
Gear up for the school year with customizable hats, tees, tumblers, bags & more.
Rock your school pride right from Day 1 in this year’s must-have fan essentials. Shop fresh hats, tees, tumblers, backpacks & more and personalize with your name & number—only at Sideline Store.
Summer Regent Prep Program
Are you scheduled for a regent during the summer?!?! Prepare yourself by attending the regents prep program at Grady HS. Come in on August 6, 7, 13 & 14th from 9 AM – 12 PM to prepare for your exams.
Remote Day
Hello students and Guardians. As you are aware, all NYC schools have pivoted to remote learning for Tuesday, February 13. The bell schedule remains as normal, however students will meet their teachers in zoom/google meet sessions and review work that is posted in the streams of their Google Classrooms. If you need any assistance, feel free to reach out to the following people:
- Principal Montalbano @ [email protected]
- AP Gerber @ [email protected]
- AP Ritchie @ [email protected]
- AP Leitzsey @ [email protected]
- AP Hendricks @ [email protected]
- Parent Coordinator Matone @ [email protected]
Notification will be sent out about Wednesday, once we hear about it. Thank you.
Grady Store – 25% off this month only!
It’s here!!! Brand new Grady store filled with lots of merchandise and altering possibilities. Check it out!