Culinary Arts Program

Program Description: This program provides students with comprehensive training and extensive hands-on experience working in a professional kitchen environment. Our commitment to our students is to provide a well-rounded culinary education, preparing our graduates to enter the workforce with extensive skills that will lead to their success in the industry. Emphasis is placed on food safety/ sanitation, product identification, knife skills, cooking methods, baking techniques, cold food preparation, and career and financial management.

Program Course Sequence
Grade Level Course Code Course Name
9 KCS61T

Pre Restaurant

9 KCS62T Pre Restaurant  2
10 KCS63T Food Fundamentals
10 KCS64T

Food Fundamentals 2

11 KCS65T Restaurant 1
11 KCS66T Restaurant 2
12 RQS11TY


Certifications Obtained

NY City Food Handlers Certiϐication

NOCTI– Prep Cook Level 1 Exam

OSHA—30 hour General Industry

Grade Level Activity
9 – 12 NY Exploring Program provides opportunities for youth to explore careers in a field of their choice. The program offers on-site training throughout the year.
9 – 11 St. Josephs College Culinary/Hospitality programs
9 Careers Through Culinary Arts Program (C‐CAP) is a  nationally ‐ recognized organizaton that allows students to compete in competitions, job shadow, and tour facilities.  Their most popular programs run during breaks in the school year.
10 OSHA– 30 Hour General Industry
11 Internship—Partner with CTE Industry Scholars Program to receive a 60-hour internship where you will experience a career in Culinary Arts.
Exploring Logo
Osha Logo
NYC Health Logo
Job Opportunities in Field Salary Range


Prep Cook 


$15.00 per hour


Line Cook / Pastry Cook


$26,500 ‐ $35,500 


Sous Chef 


$42,200 ‐ $48,400 




$25,000 ‐ 35,000




$25,000 ‐ 35,000 


Pastry Chef 


$50,000 ‐ $70,000 


Executive Chef


$65,000 ‐ $100,000


Food Service Manager


$35,000 ‐ $68,000
Industry Partners Post-Secondary Opportunities


The Career through Culinary Arts  Program is an industry‐recognized company that introduces students to the career. They work with well-known chefs to support high school students. 

Cul Arts
The Culinary Arts program at Kings‐ borough has a comprehensive training  program designed for successful entry  into the food industry.  They have an  Associate’s & cerƟficate program.
Office of Nutrition
The Office of Food & Nutrition Services not only feeds the 1.1. a million children in the NYC Department of EducaƟon,  but they also hire staff to prepare those foods.   
City tech logo
City Tech’s Hospitality Management program is comprised of an Associate’s degree or a Bachelor’s degree.  They have many partners & sponsors within the hospitality industry. 

NYC Hospitality Logo
The NYC Hospitality Alliance is a not‐for‐profit association made up of many establishments in the hospitality industry. They provide guidance, give up‐to‐date information on the industry, and provide training to fine‐tune your craft. 

St Joseph College
St. Joseph’s College offers a Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality & Tourism  Management.  This program introduces students to other aspects of the hospitality career in addition to cooking. 

Hot Bread Logo
The Hot Bread Kitchen is a culinary workforce training program that provides job skills training to women.  All students that complete their program are partnered with an employer to support them in the industry.  

Monroe Logo
Monroe College has an Associate’s degree in Culinary Arts, Baking &  Pastry, and Hospitality Management.  They also have a Bachelor's  & Master’s degree in Hospitality  Management. 

Career Development & Occupational Studies
(CDOS) Credential

This credential recognizes students'
preparation for entry-level work through
mastery of the CDOS learning standards.
Students complete a career plan,
employability profile, and 216 hours of
career preparation experiences, including
at least 54 hours of school-supported work-
based learning. The CDOS may be awarded
as a sole exiting credential, earned as an
endorsement to a diploma, or used to fulfill
the +1 option.

Workplace etiquette covered in the program:

Interpersonal skills such as courtesy, manners &

Ability to collaborate

Ability to follow through

Time management

Ability to accept criticism

Ability to interview

People/socialization skills

Ability to grow

Ability to speak publicly

Communication & listening skills


Ability to write a resume & cover letter
